marzi banilohi
4 min readOct 4, 2018


Fear is a seed that has been planted and grown in our brain by the influence of our surrounding. Fear is when you are shown on the news the people who die when they do a simple activity like catching a flight. Fear is when you do something so bad, but you don’t know what’s going to happen next; fear of the unknown.

Fear has been induced in our mind so deep that we become fearful. We forget what it’s like to feel alive…we learn to stay in our comfort zone, and we don’t know how to push your own limits.

One of the biggest fear we all humans have these days is to travel, to see the big world. And I don’t mean just a 2 week holiday to tick it off the list. I mean living in another country and following the culture and rituals of others. We all know that travelling the world and seeing it with our own eyes makes us richer and more knowledgeable. But instead we make excuses like lack of time and money.

We must push those brain washing powers out of our heads. We must strengthen our own thoughts and beliefs. So when the opportunity comes, we take it and never look back.

Live everyday like a traveler, so that you can grow and learn every single day. Travelling not only grows you as an individual, but helps bring everyone together as harmony. Then we won’t fear those who are different and have different values to us. We learn to accept those who live their life differently to us.

It’s a lot easier to say “I can’t” or “I won’t”. But if you get rid of that mindset and change it to “I can” and “I will” then you become unstoppable. Suddenly you keep reaching higher goals. Every now and then you need to stop and smell the roses. Look back at the older version of you and celebrate your growth and achievements. By then the older habits shouldn’t come back anymore. They are part of your past. The new you is stronger and wiser. By being aware of this change within you, stay humble, you can easily influence others to better themselves!

I have had the privilege of seeing both sides of the world (and going to keep seeing more of Mother Nature). I have learned so much from this experience. Some people fighting for the rights of “east” or the “west” ways of the world. After living both, I realize both sides are right and wrong. Both sides have good and bad. The mistake that both side do is to control people’s mind and think this is the only way to live. They put fear in our head about the other side of the world, so we listen and stop ourselves from seeing the big world with our own eyes. I’m not talking about “war-zones” areas. Off course be aware of that and stay away from it. Expand to the more civil places, don’t live there like it’s your home country. Learn about the way they live their lives and adjust to their way of living for your own benefit. This is the best way to get out of your comfort zone and to appreciate what you have at home.

I see in so many people’s eyes when their soul is dying or when its dead. Its so sad, I can’t be around them. They lose the glow coming through their body. They soul looks dark and evil. I used to think they become evil, but I thought wrong. Its just their soul is dying. And the only person who can raise themselves from their death is themselves. They are already so closed-minded and ignorant, that its too late for anyone to help them out. They are so negative, that their life becomes poor. The universe just gives up on helping them, that they become nothing but a spreading disease. Its hard for me to think this way about them, but they might as well die. They have nothing left to offer the world, instead they keep taking, begging and become extremely greedy. They are already in “hell” and they want to keep people close to them for comfort. They may think heaven will be found when they die. That’s such immature mindset. It’s like thinking the grass is always greener on the other side, we know that it’s not. To find a greener side we must plant a flower where we already are! We all know a few people like this, be very aware of them and keep your distance.

